Thursday 24 May 2012

Baltic coast...

The houses on the baltic coast were really pretty, almost too pretty. Everything is white spit and polished. Then again it is a holiday area. It must be awful in full summer and in winter when no-one is there.

Some really gorgeous old features- I love all the details... and might I add facing the sea.... good direction!!

The old sea bridge- looking towards it. (and a random German woman in there too....)

This little honey was a bit more in the village.

We took a trip to the wind mill...

Since we were so close to Poland we skipped over the boarder ate fish, drank beer.... had ice cream and then took a huge wonder about....

This would be the smoked fish stand that my little one ate his own weight at....

 How absolutely great is this place??? For sale, by the way.


To finish, some random snaps. Phew, what a day!

1 comment:

janul said...

Nice houses! And "ryby", that´s a czech word! Interesting...

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